Giving — Suncoast Community Church, Largo FL

A few words about giving to Suncoast…


Are you tired of churches begging for money?  So are we!  (Really!)

If you’ve ever attended a meeting at Suncoast, you already know that money isn’t our focus; in fact, it’s seldom mentioned at all.  We don’t pass an offering plate, we don’t do fundraisers, and we don’t badger people to give more.

Then why have a page for giving?  Simply stated, we have a growing number of people in our church who prefer to make donations online.  They want to support our ministry, and this is the method they find most familiar and convenient.  In other words, this page is just an easy way to make online giving accessible to them.

So if you’re here to find out more about Suncoast, or if you’ve recently become interested in God, then we certainly welcome you as our guest – but we’re not asking you to give anything.  Instead, we hope you spend time benefiting from the free resources on our website, and that you learn more about the incredible grace of the great God we worship!

But for those who have been blessed by our ministry and do want to give, click on the button below.  No guilt, no pressure, and no promise that God will fill your bank account tenfold – just an opportunity to give cheerfully to the ministry of Suncoast. Thanks!